Your Journey


In the years following our retirement in 2018, we happily acknowledge an increase in the numbers of groups and organizations promoting kindness in some form or another. Perhaps you, or someone you know, are involved in what might be called the KINDNESS MOVEMENT. In addition to some fine folk doing tremendous work, there is, particularly in the United States, the development of kindness curricula built on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies. Furthermore, it is a source of pride for us, being California-based, that there are two sources of “kindness" graduate programs being offered in our state; namely, the graduate programs at the Bedari Kindness Institute at UCLA and the master’s-level SEL program from National University’s School of Education. Salute from us at Kindness Clubs International, and keep up the kind work! Please note that we will be posting a “Kindness On-the-road” feature highlighting others’ contributions, signs on the road as it were, to the KINDNESS MOVEMENT.


The Kindness Clubs International team invites you to join a club or start a club. If you are local to one of our established clubs, perhaps you would like to get involved. Expect to be interviewed. Alternatively, if you would like to start a club, we would like to help. We can go over the particulars by Zoom call. After the initial Zoom call, expect two followup calls. There then would be an annual call or report to insure compliance with our mission statement. Note that more is expected from school clubs. A teacher must serve as Kindness Club Co-ordinator and as Kindness Teacher.


Kindness curricula are much more challenging and require greater commitment on both our parts. In our experience, to be successful, "kindness" must be taught as a separate subject. Schools must agree to offer Kindness Classes to its students. The Kindness Teacher must have training in SEL competencies, values education or similar and teach kindness as a separate subject. The Kindness Teacher will also be the Kindness Club Co-ordinator (or faculty advisor). Curricula centered on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies (see Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) work. Additionally, in the Phillipines, we have found that the Values Education Program (see Department of Education VEP) to be appropriate. There may be other good fits. Kindness Clubs International would, of course, guide and monitor compliance.

Professional Development

Some of our teammates offer professional development training on kindness, mindfulness and other related topics.

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